Psychological Evaluations & Innovative Training Services

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 At Applied Behavioral Solutions we are supportive,
  no-nonsense, in-your-face consultants. We offer
  practical behavioral solutions to routine workplace
  dilemmas as well as annoying interpersonal barriers. 
  We want to teach you how to successfully mentor
  your colleagues, family, co-workers, and friends.
  The following trainings and workshops in this partial
  list can be customized to meet your individual or
  organizational needs and setting. Most of these
  trainings are grounded in traditional Cognitive-
  Behavioral Theory, Developmental Theories of
  Personality, and the most up to date research available! 
  Each seminar contains lecture, rehearsal, and interactive
  role-playing components. Workshop materials and
  follow-up exercises are included in the price of each

Strategies for Co-Treating Life and Career Decisions
Presented by Blaise M. Riedlinger, Ph.D.

Now Available on Audio Compact Disc/MP3!
Only $79.00 plus taxes, shipping & handling ($150.00 Value)

This 7 Hour Course is designed to provide the clinical or consulting professional a broad foundation in the rudimentary components of the career development process, and increase the awareness of theoretical and practical strategies that will improve treatment planning, clinical outcomes, and the long- term adjustment for the client. The Training Outline includes modules on Conceptual Paradigms, Theories of Personality and Career Development, Decision-Making Models, Assessments & Applications, and a Summary Review of specific "Strategies for Co-Treating Life and Career Decisions". This training is a must for Psychologists, Marriage & Family Therapists, Social Workers, School and Vocational Counselors!

Registration Information: Register with a major credit card through our secure PayPal link located above, or send your name, address, e-mail, contact phone number, along with a check or money order for $79.00, plus $12.15 for sales tax, shipping & handling: Dr. Blaise M. Riedlinger, P.O. Box 876 Del Mar, California 92014. Please be sure to include all of your identifying information when you register through either method. Urgent delivery methods are available at standard posted rates. Confirmation materials will be sent via e-mail. Special Offer: Add our textbook Personal & Career Exploration, Sixth Edition, Revised, for an additional $50.00 with the purchase of the seven hour Audio MP3 C/D Set.

Description of Course Content: This Training is intended to enhance the range and proficiency of Psychologists', Social Workers', and Marriage and Family Therapists' competencies in the areas of clinical practice, theory, and methodology. Specifically, this curriculum will introduce models for "best practice" treatment considerations relevant to clinical case assessments that will help providers formulate a more complete, integrated care plan that takes into consideration interpersonal skills that effect performance at home, in the community, and at the workplace. The Goals are consistent with recommendations made by President Bushs' 2003 New Freedom Commission on Mental Health. Specifically, the Commission Chairman Michael F. Hogan recommends that the "fundamental reform" of the nations mental health system should coordinate "job training, medical treatment,and community support services". The Report also notes that among all illnesses, mental illness is the leading cause of disability in the United States.

This finding follows an NIMH Report that estimates the total U. S. annual cost for mental health treatment at $71 billion, and $300 billion if one includes costs for criminal justice and social welfare expenses. The connection between increasing the emotionally stability of the workforce and mitigating the rising costs of treatment interventions because of lost work days would seem important. This course is aligned with the recommendations of these reports. The data and times would seem to suggest that it is time to expand the current "wrap-around approach" to mental health treatment (and regional "systems of care") to include stronger consideration of the complex interplay between the clients needs home and at the workplace.

To this end, it would seem prudent that Psychologists and other allied health professionals have at least a basic understanding about the career development process (theory), and how conflicts at home and on the job may work to confound adequate interpersonal functioning in all areas of living. Psychologists interact with a wide variety of educators, teachers, family members and medical health providers through out the course of their professional day. This often includes coordinating the services of these same providers, offering appropriate and timely referrals, and helping clients triage numerous psycho-social decisions that may be impacting their ability to cope at home, at work, and in the community (clinical practice). When appropriate, Psychologists, LCSW's, MFT's, and other frontline clinicians should take a leadership role in coordinating the interactions of family members, school teachers, psychiatrists, and clergy.

Furthermore, limits of communication with these potential members of a clients treatment team have also been effected by implementation of HIPAA Regulations and Guidelines. Restated, this training is intended to educate program participants on how to improve their unique role within a client's provider team network, in part, by increasing their foundation of skills and knowledge about the career development process, and the life changes that result from complications between competing needs at home, in the family, and at work.

This training is also consistent with the (methodology) Values and Principles of a psychosocial rehabilitation model established by the International Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services (IAPSRS). Core components of this PSR model, and this training, underscore the importance of integrating quality, "best practice" strategies, respecting self-determination, and developing treatment plans that value choice, partnership, individualization, and place a premium on outcome orientation measures.

Course Goals and Objectives: As suggested by the title of this course, the goals of this training are intended to improve Psychologists, Social Workers, and Marriage & Family Therapists competencies in the areas of clinical practice, theory, and methodology as it relates to issues that complicate interpersonal functioning both at home and at the workplace.

Following the completion of this course, the participants will be able to identify: 

  1. Common myths, expectations and misperceptions about the choice of a relationship,
      vocation or career.
  2. Personality & developmental components that contribute to the selection of a specific
      job or career.
  3. Major theories and models essential to counseling clients on aspects of the career
      development process.
  4. The need for career counseling, versus coaching, versus formal psychotherapy.
  5. Decision-making and problem solving models relevant to interpersonal relationships
      and the career development process.
  6. Assessment instruments helpful to facilitate life and career decisions.
  7. Critical components of "Career Change Readiness" for clients considering a job or
      career change.
  8. Cultural, Ethnic, SES, and Gender variables that impact the selection of a vocation,
      or impact relationships, performance, and opportunities on the job.
  9. Clients strengths, preferences and skills utilizing assessments and indices.
10. Behavioral strategies that clients can use to overcome barriers at home, in the community,
      and at work.

TRAINING SUMMARY: As a partial result of ever changing economic and marketplace dynamics, Psychologists, Social Workers, and Marriage & Family Therapists will be called on at an increasing rate to help clients address issues related to their performance or satisfaction with their job, and balance the concurrent needs of their personal relationships and family. The traditional boundaries between "career counseling" and "psychotherapy" are becoming more interrelated, as therapists become more sophisticated in their assessment of their clients needs, and the reality that the interpersonal relationships that exist at work and at home are arguably very interdependent, and often at great competing odds.

As such, and from a clinical practice perspective, it would seem prudent (and ethical) that providers obtain at least cursory skills and knowledge about the basic assessment and "treatment" components of the career development process, so that s/he is better equipped to recommend and implement the best course of treatment, or alternative intervention (methodology) for his/her client. This intermediate training is not intended to supplant a formal certificate in career counseling, but to familiarize the clinician with basic theoretical and practical strategies to consider when assessing the "overall" needs of the client when formulating a treatment care plan. It is intended to increase choice, collaboration, and self-determination for the client.

ADA STATEMENT: ADA accommodations will be made in accordance with the law. If you require additional ADA accommodations, please indicate your specific needs at the time of registration. Applied Behavioral Solutions can not ensure the availability of appropriate accommodations without prior notification.

REFUND POLICY:  If you discover that you are disatisfied with this distance training curriculum after you have reviewed it, you may return all of the materials within 30 days and receive a full refund (minus a $20 handling fee).

Big Deal? So What? Get Over It!
The Essential Skills to Overcome Adversity

Now Available on Audio Compact Disc/MP3
Only $20.00 plus taxes, shipping & handling ($125.00 Value!)

The goal of this 45+ minute training seminar is to provide motivated individuals a conceptual reference point and specific, strategic behavioral skills to challenge adversity "in the moment" that it emerges. According to the model to be presented here, there are three different "levels" of adversity that we may typically face during the course of our lives. Some of these moments are more formidable, more intense, and more likely to divert our attention and distract us from our immediate tasks at hand. Sometimes we call these incidents "frustrating problems", "roadblocks" or, "set backs". Unfortunately, over the long term, failing to confront and overcome these activating events will likely undermine our performance at home or at work, and certainly may disrupt our effectiveness in interpersonal relationships with family and friends.

The three increasingly intense levels of adversity that will be examined here are:
(1) disappointments (simple adversity), (2) obstacles (difficult adversity), and (3) barriers (significantly physical & existential impediments). Additionally, each level of adversity will be evaluated in terms of the developmental challenge at stake, and the role that (a) individual personalities, (b) organizations, systems and institutions, and (c) locus of control and responsibility play in this dynamic model. "Big deal? So what? Get over it!" is the internal mantra that we have assigned to operationalize each level of adversity, and promptly triage these moments of frustration when you can do something about the impasse... or, move on to more realistic endeavors. This is a really Big Deal !


"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long
  at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us"
  - Hellen Keller


Students MAPPTM Your Future!

A Student-Family Guide to Choosing the Best College & Career.

This Training is ideal for any age student and/or their parents! In this workshop you, the College Bound Student, and your Family will learn Strategies for Selecting a College Major and Career. Learn how to Identify and Challenge Myths regarding the selection of a Career or College Major and increase your control over the process. Learn how to Overcome Fear, Anxiety and Uncertainty throughout the career development process. Increase self-confidence and maintain enthusiasm throughout the career selection process. Understand the Importance of Motivation and Personal Potential when selecting a College Major and Career. Identify helpful assessments and resources that will help you select a College Major or Career. Identify the skills and behaviors that will ensure your life long success at home, on the job, and in the community! Students and Parents will be provided a "To-Do" Checklist for College Bound participants. Students will take MAPPTM, a unique assessment that identifies motivations & potential. This training can be customized for private sessions as well as for small group lessons.


"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls, and looks like work" 
                                                                                                - Thomas A. Edison


Avoiding Workplace Violence- Essential Verbal Interventions:
This very important training could save your life or a serious injury to one of your employees. We review identifiable warning signs and developmental behaviors that may expose obvious symptoms of emotional decompensation and potential violent acting out. Know the personalities and red flags that characterize a hostile customer or workplace. This training is very practical, adaptable, and immediately useful. Ask your Supervisor to request this training!

Interpersonal Effectiveness- Communication Strategies for Life:
Success at any job begins with how adequately you communicate your thoughts, feelings and ideas. This training is a must for any new manager or individuals who hesitate and second guess their interactions with peers or co-workers. We discuss the two core skill sets that are essential to interpersonal effectiveness, the significance of non-verbal behaviors, and identify activating events that tend to confound participants' interpersonal effectiveness. Participants are required to discuss their "top-five" awkward moments and role-play alternative communication strategies.

Personal & Career Exploration-
Strategies for Life & Career Decisions:
Personal & Career Exploration, 6th Edition. Schmidt, et. al. (2001). This workshop is a must for those looking for answers to personal and career decisions. Curriculum addresses numerous life skills, problem solving, and decision-making related to all aspects of career training and selection. Several computer assessments address individual and academic needs, interests, locus-of-control, personality development and job satisfaction. Please call or e-mail us for more details on this innovative one or two day Training. This seminar is a must for High School and College Juniors & Seniors! Too many exercises, assessments, and inventories to list here... This workshop is a great complement to the Career Change Readiness Training below! Available on CD/MP3.

Career Change Readiness: Downsized, Outsourced & Liberated !
Career Change Readiness Inventories: CCRI. (Schmidt) 1994 DSK Associates, Long Beach, CA. If you are considering a Job or Career Change, or have been Downsized by the New Economy... We can help! This one or two day training will help define your next step and provide you with practical tools, techniques, and training exercises that will leave you feeling liberated from your previous position, and confirm your transition to a new job or career!

Leadership in a Competitive World: Team Building for Emerging Talent
This seminar is a must for groups of all sizes struggling to establish their own identity or dealing with motivation issues. Interpersonal strategies help participants draw on their own competitive impulses while contributing to the teams' success and productivity. Learn critical communication and feedback strategies and techniques for testing and improving your support system. This training requires an open mind, willingness to take a few risks, and some individual effort. Leave your Ego's at the door... everyone participates in this challenging curriculum! Program Managers MAPPTM Your Team Motivation!

Constructive Criticism: Give Me Some More Feedback Please!
Most of our successful role models in life and business have at least one thing in common: They welcome the advise and constructive criticism from peers, co-workers and even strangers! Learn the skills necessary to give and receive "tactful feedback". Tools and techniques focus on behaviors (not personalities), fears and feelings of rejection, the use of humor and timing, and extensive role-playing and rehearsal. Soon you will be saying "please" and "thank you" for that feedback! This workshop is highly recommended for work groups in transition or coping with morale and motivation challenges. Send your supervisor to this training and you will both benefit!

Overcoming Fear, Ambiguity & Adversity:
Feelings of fear and anxiety often emerge when faced with situations replete with ambiguity or adversity. Fear and anxiety are not bad feelings. They are just uncomfortable emotions and likely a signal that some new ways of thinking are required. We teach you how to identify your triggers to fear and anxiety, and the cognitive distortions that paralyze your ability to overcome these self-inflicted conditions. These principles are very applicable to small teams and large group settings. This seminar utilizes supportive rehearsal and role-play to desensitize even the most timid or shy player.

CHILL OUT #I: Strategies for Managing Anger & Disappointment:
Tolerating frustration and disappointment are critical skills that must be employed "in-the-moment" that they emerge. Learn to identify specific triggers to frustration, and the unrealistic expectations that often lead to anger and disappointment. Challenge your personal "myths", beliefs, and expectations that confound your tolerance for annoying interpersonal situations, and learn how to avoid activating situations that you can not control. Seminar requires participants to take a few risks and be open to feedback.

CHILL OUT #II: Anger Managment for Supervisors & Co-Workers:
This seminar is an extension of CHILL OUT #I , and introduces anger management techniques and compensatory strategies covered in the Avoiding Workplace Violence training. The impact that specific developmental traits and personality characteristics have on anger and violence are explored. This training includes numerous role-playing exercises that simulate customer-employee relations, supervisory relationships, and examines individual participants' tolerance for their own "maximum anger load". This training requires an honest committment to learning some new skills and personal insights.

Assertiveness Training for Beginners, Managers & Pros:
Learn the fine line between assertiveness and aggression. Identify and master those recurrent interpersonal situations and personalities that intimidate you and cause you to avoid healthy confrontation. Get your ideas and observations heard. Participants should be prepared to discuss, practice, and role-play their "top ten" awkward or intimidating experiences. This workshop requires some effort, risk-taking, and contribution from all participants. Ideal for supervisors and managers to share with their team members.

Psychosocial Rehabilitation Strategies in a Post-Medical Model World:
This training is a must for mental health facilities, administrators, clinicians, family members, and systems of care seeking to re-invent themselves and thrive in the post-medical-model, managed care world. This training will introduce the growing emergence of Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR) in the cummunity setting over the last fifty years. This training will also showcase the history and traditions of PSR Values and principles, review a number of "best practices" models, and offer practical strategies to merge a PSR structure into an existing medical model system of care. This curriculum can be modified for any type of audience.


"The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And,
  because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to
  change until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds"

- R. D. Laing

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