Psychological Evaluations & Innovative Training Solutions

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Applied Behavioral Solutions Presents:
Psychological Assessments & Forensic Evaluations 
Independent Medical Examiner (IME)

Performance Psychology
Executive Coaching & Training

Anger Management Groups (Court Approved)
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Confidential Crisis Intervention & Treatment 24/7

  Personal & Career Exploration, 6th Edition
   Schmidt, Kolpin, Riedlinger & Sham Choy. Kendall-Hunt (2001) 
   Now in it's Revised Sixth Edition, this popular text and seven
   accompanying computer assessments (CD) identify individual
   interests, strengths, and needs of the individual seeking practical
   answers to personal and career decisions! The text is divided
   into four sections: Educational Awareness, Human Development,
   The Career Search, and The Job Search. This text can be used
   in a wide variety of settings and has been used with upper
   division and graduate college students, as well as chronic,
   persistent mentally ill patients. The text addresses important life
   skills, decision-making, locus of control, and  problem solving
   processes incumbent to the satisfying career search.


Psychological Assessments & Forensic Evaluations
Applied Behavioral Solutions offers a full range of confidential Psychological Assessment and Evaluation services. We offer psychometric testing to establish the existence of a psychiatric diagnosis, evaluate cognitive/intellectual functioning, personality assessment, specific developmental disorders, and treatment needs. We have extensive experience in fitness to serve, return to work, personal and industrial injury, and most forensic cases that require experience working within the court system. The costs associated with these services will vary depending on the complexity of the case, the time necessary to provide a thorough review of  your needs, and the needs of the court. Your specific cost for these services are set after the completion of an initial needs assessment. After we conduct a thorough telephonic interview to verify that we are the appropriate resource to meet your needs, our fee for the initial face-to-face evaluation appointment is $250.00 USD. At the end of the first appointment, we will quote you a price for the professional services package required for your case. We request a retainer fee to begin the evaluation process. The retainer fee range for Forensic cases begins as low as $3,000.00 USD.

Performance Psychology and Executive Coaching 
Performance Psychology and Executive Coaching are not psychotherapy. Performance psychology is the branch of psychology that studies the factors that allow individuals, communities and societies to flourish. Most recently, performance psychology has included the study of the psychological skills and knowledge necessary to facilitate and develop peak performance guidelines into best practice for sport, business, fitness and the performing arts.

The past few years have seen an explosion in the field of performance psychology. This growth has been primarily in the study of performance excellence in sports as applied to the field of business. Important links have been made between world-class, championship individual and team sports performance and business results. In a similar vein, there has been an increase in the interest of coaching top performers and addressing their needs, not just providing remedial coaching for underachievers. During that time, more research has been devoted to understanding the characteristics of high achievers in sports as well as business. We want to help you improve your performance at home, at work, and in your sport! We recommend our introductory program to experience the effectiveness, benefits and results of Executive Coaching and Performance Psychology.

Our Eight Step Performance Process:
1. Needs Assessment - Needs > Values > Goals > Behavior (New Skills = Confidence).
2. Goal Setting - Daily, weekly & monthly… measurable, realistic and time certain!
3. Developing Focus - "Here-and-now” perspective, attention control, eliminate distractions.
4. Regulating Thoughts & Emotions -  Identify & replace negative “self-talk”
5. Anger & Stress Management - Retrain your brain to recurring triggers, prompts & cues.
6. Establishing Structure & Routine - Growing support system & imagery scripts for success.
7. Essential Skills to Overcome Adversity - Big Deal? So What? Get Over It!
8. Seek Instruction, Feedback, Commitment, Accountability and Mastery... Practice!

In his twenty years designing clinical and educational training services, Dr. Riedlinger has consulted or coached employees of NIKE, EDS, IBM, HERTZ, ABBOT, PFIZER, Mary Kay, Schering-Plough, Vauslau of America Inc., Academy of Justice, County of San Diego- Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Community Research Foundation, Plaza Travel, Inc., Paradise Properties, and California Probation Departments in Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Santa Barbara, Imperial, and Los Angeles Counties.

Introductory Program Offer: Three 40-Minute sessions (including 30 day follow-up) $600!

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
Dr. Riedlinger also offers weekly, 60-90 Minute Dialectical Behavior Treatment (DBT) Individual and Skills Groups in his two San Diego County Offices (Encinitas & San Diego/ Mission Valley). Based on Marsha Linehan's DBT Skills Workbook (1993), Dr. Riedlinger covers Linehan's four core modules: Mindfulness, Emotion Regulation, Interpersonal Effectiveness, and Distress Tolerance in four, four-week cycles. Fees for this group range from $300-$400 per month, depending on the size of the group. This fee includes the complete cost of materials and weekly handouts. Group size is limited to 3-6 members, and requires an initail assessment by Dr. Riedlinger to determine which particular group may be most appropriate to meet your needs. Dr. Riedlinger also offers weekly Anger Management and Support Groups  (760) 458-5041.

Do you provide other counseling services?
Yes, we offer traditional cognitive-behavioral therapy and career consulting services on a sliding fee scale. Our fee range is $250 - $190 per session, based on your ability to pay. We also offer a few scholarships each month for individuals who are struggling between jobs or have other special needs or circumstances. We offer services for the treatment of Depression, Anxiety, and most Psychotic Disorders. We offer Marriage and Family Therapy, specialize in treating Personality Disorders, and those clients who are diagnosed with both a psychiatric and substance-abuse disorder (dual diagnosis). Please call us for a free phone consultation. We would be happy to provide appropriate referrals if we can not help you.

Customized Training Programs
Do you need a customized curriculum written or produced for a meeting or training that you have scheduled? Ask us how we can help you create a professional, innovative, multimedia workshop or training seminar. We specialize in "Keynote" presentations, guest lectures, and motivational programs. Our trainings are available on Audio Disc!

How do I schedule a training or workshop?
Contact us by phone or e-mail and let us know which seminar you are interested in scheduling. We will discuss how we will customized the curriculum to address your organizations' specific needs and present you a draft outline of the training that you are interested in. We want your ideas and feedback!

How much will this cost?
How do you measure improved efficiency, productivity and satisfaction? For the price of a new golf club you can provide your organization the motivation and skills that will take their performance to the next level. We are so confident that you will experience immediate, measurable benefits from our innovative training seminars that we are offering a 90 Minute Training to first-time clients based in Southern California for $500! Fees for Four and Six Hour trainings are $2,000 and $3,000 respectively. Eight Hour Trainings start at $4,500. These fees include all materials, set-up costs, and follow-up phone consultation to facilitate implementation. Fees for trainings outside the Southern California region will also reflect the cost of modest travel expenses. We offer significant fee reductions if you schedule and pre-pay four or more trainings for your company!

Career Change Readiness Inventories (CCRI) Copyright 1994.
George R. Schmidt, Ph.D. (310) 605-0298
California State University, Long Beach (Retired)
The CCRI is administered in two parts:

Part I: The Work Values-Job Satisfaction Inventory provides a sophisticated assessment of an individual's prioritized work values and contrasts those values with the current level of job satisfaction of each. A seven page report illustrates discrepancies between Ideal and Actual characteristics and components of the workplace.

Part II: The Readiness Factors Inventory provides the client and counselor an eight page report that measures 27 personal, social, and economic factors that may inhibit or facilitate a client's "career change readiness". These self-directed, CCRI assessment protocols are available on CD, and come with interpretive feedback, user's manual and follow-up support. $129.00 CD & Manual.

Would you like to make a payment?

Existing Clients who would like to make a one-time payment of $750.00
(Note: There is an additional $15.00 processing fee for this transaction)

Existing Clients who would like to make a one-time payment of $500.00
(Note: There is an additional $15.00 processing fee for this transaction)

Existing Clients who would like to make a one-time payment of $125.00
(Note: There is an additional $5.00 processing fee for this transaction)

Existing Clients who would like to make a one-time payment of $50.00
(Note: There is an additional $3.50 processing fee for this transaction)



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